Thanks to the Lahore School of Economics
May 28, 2012
More alumni come back to Lahore School of Economics every day. On May 24, 2012, amidst the heat and the excitement of the Lahore School Annual Sports Gala, four alumni (Shakeel Kharal, Class of 2001, Fawad Latif, Chief Operating Officer, X Plus Pakistan, Class of 2008, Ahsan Ali, Class of 2006 and Yahya Zazeer, Class of 99) visited on the invitation of Alumni Club.
Khalid Mansoor, the Consultant Lahore School of Economics, told them about the various programs that were being arranged at the institute. He also mentioned statistics on how many students had received jobs since they had graduated and how many students are on scholarships. Alumni also shared their experiences post-Lahore School, and how the Lahore School has helped them in building their careers [Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin].
Labels: Alumni
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 5/28/2012 01:44:00 PM,
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