Lahore School students at National Women Football Training Camp, Sri Lanka
August 08, 2012
Two Lahore School of Economics students Batool Ronaq Naqvi, BSc IV and Mahina Ghalib, BSc II have been selected for the National Women Football Training Camp 2012, for the SAFF Women Championship 2012, which will be held from August 3 to September 4, 2012 in Sri Lanka. Eight countries including Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka are taking part in SAFF Women Championship 2012.
The Lahore School’s Sports Coordinator Uzma Yousaf Zaidi has also been selected as Manager and Assistant Coach for SAFF Women Football Championship 2012. Uzma Zaidi has already represented Pakistan in different countries for different sporting events like karate and football.
Read more »The Lahore School’s Sports Coordinator Uzma Yousaf Zaidi has also been selected as Manager and Assistant Coach for SAFF Women Football Championship 2012. Uzma Zaidi has already represented Pakistan in different countries for different sporting events like karate and football.
Labels: Sports
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8/08/2012 01:07:00 PM,
More Jobs in Retail Banking
More Jobs in Retail Banking
Tauqeer Mazhar, G.M. Business Lahore Region, Habib Bank Limited visited Lahore School of Economics on June 22, 2012 and gave a talk to the students of MBA and MSc (Economics) as a part of Distinguished Lecture Series Program. The talk encompassed the basics of retail and corporate banking.
Tauqeer Mazhar provided insights to Habib Bank giving facts and figures. He told the students that there were two different types of hiring done in HBL, one line for a more streamlined retail banking hiring (RBO), the other for a general hiring, which is more commonly known as Management Trainee Program. He also mentioned that there were more jobs in retail banking, rather than corporate banking, as there were more seats available. Retail Banking, according to the guest speaker was considered a highly people oriented field, whereby retail bankers have to deal with different challenges from different customers every day. This primarily was the reason why he emphasized that there were more jobs in retail banking, because consumers were larger in number as compared to corporations.
The GM’s talk was interactive, and students asked many career oriented questions to understand where they would want to be placed after graduating from the Lahore School. The session proved highly fruitful as Tauqeer Mazhar spoke of what it took to become a successful professional in general. [Vicky Zhuang Yi-Yin]
Labels: Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8/08/2012 12:15:00 PM,
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