Lahore School Campus Ambassadors
November 15, 2012
Teach for Pakistan has selected four students from the Lahore School of Economics to serve as Campus Ambassadors for the 2012-2013 academic years. The primary purpose of Campus Ambassadors is to assist the Teach for Pakistan Recruitment team in their search for outstanding candidates for their fellowship.
The fellowship is a two-year paid position where recent graduates and young professionals are hired to teach for two years in under resourced schools with a mission to tackle the problem of educational inequity in Pakistan. Before they begin their role, all Campus Ambassadors must undergo a mandatory training with members of the team. The training for Lahore School students was held on November 13, 2012 at the main campus. The purpose of this training was to give Campus Ambassadors a comprehensive overview of the program as well as the role and responsibilities of a Campus Ambassador. During the training they discussed how to better use their marketing and networking skills in creating awareness about the Teach for Pakistan Fellowship at Lahore School of Economics and assisting the staff when carrying out on campus activities such as information sessions, career fairs and information booths - by Rabia Suhail.
Labels: Campus Ambassadors, Students
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11/15/2012 10:49:00 AM,
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