Entrepreneurship and SME Management
March 12, 2013
Flux Business Fair is being organized by students of the BBA IV, Sect I, Lahore School of Economics on April 4, 2013 as a class project in Garden Cafe.
The entire student body of the class has been divided in to respective departments encouraging teamwork and making them experience the realities of corporate world; Operations, Finance, Logistics, Marketing and Public Relations at 40 business stalls. These departments are given specific tasks and responsibilities by their team leaders who devise goals, strategies, and objectives and plan the tactics. With each department holding distinct and core endeavors, the efforts require utmost time and attention for Flux to become a triumph event.
The vision of Flux demonstrates inspiration and drive of the students to act as Entrepreneurs in order to not only accomplish making it an occasion worth its while but to create their individual business plans and present their products or services. Flux is a step ahead to promote entrepreneurial environment in Lahore School of Economics.
The event will be showcasing various businesses that will be judged by external reviewers and senior faculty.
Some of the Learning Outcomes are as follows:
- To get a feeling how an organization works
- To act as entrepreneurs and make products and services that are distinctly different from what is being offered in the market
- Understand the importance of visual merchandising
- Understand the importance of digital media
- Planning, organizing and executing an event
Saad Shahid
Labels: Entrepreneurship
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3/12/2013 10:12:00 AM,
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