Career prospects for fresh graduates
April 09, 2013
Brig. Taimur Afzal, Director Human Resource at Qarshi visited the Lahore School of Economics on April 4, 2013 to give a talk to the students of BBA IV about career prospects for fresh graduates and how to prepare themselves for a job interview.
Nobody could get a second chance for making a first impression so one should be well prepared for his first meeting with the potential employer. Knowing own true interests, writing them down and then choosing the company that could serve those interests is the best way.
The speaker shared the techniques of writing down a resume that should be able to speak to the potential employer. Brig. Taimur advised the students to pursue their passion. The speaker also shared the list of things to do - sleeping well, having an extra copy of resume and being punctual - on the day of interview. He also shared the most common interview questions with the students.
The guest gave examples from his vast experiences in the army and corporate sector. At the end, he urged the students to keep evaluating themselves and improving their qualification (Atika Zaid).
Labels: Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/09/2013 09:17:00 AM,
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