Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Welcome Class 2017

In Lahore School, we’re at an exciting point in our journey, and there’s never been a better time to join us. Welcome to Lahore School on behalf of 200 faculty members, 400 administrative staff and 3200 strong body of graduates and undergraduates students. Also, Congratulations on gaining a place to study at the Lahore School that is a place where wonderful things happen – whether that means acquiring a valuable new skill, or beginning a new career – so be prepared for a wealth of exciting challenges and experiences ahead!

Your next four years in the Lahore School, which are amongst the leading educational institutions in academic quality, research, quality of learning and teaching and students' placement, will educate, astonish, amuse, and challenge you. You will surely find atmosphere you need to glow your path to a brilliant career. What is more, in the process, you will also experience the pleasures of learning for learning sake. This is the time in your life when you are expected to learn vigorously, to think independently, to experiment boldly and to dream big. Lahore School, the faculty, and staff will do everything possible to guide and inspire you in the next four years.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8/26/2013 08:00:00 AM,

Pakistan’s economic challenges and solutions

By Dr Ishtiaq Ahmed

Ultimately the economic or material base of a society determines its politics and other societal forms and manifestations. Most certainly this adage is as true today as it was in the past, and nobody put it better than Bulleh Shah:

Panj rukan Islam de te cheyaan tukk/Cheyaan jai na hovey te panje jaande mukk.

(Islam comprises five pillars of faith, but the sixth is food/If the sixth is not available the five pillars crumble.)
Two of Pakistan’s senior most economists, Rashid Amjad and Shahid Javed Burki, have in cooperation with a galaxy of respected experts — Parvez Hasan, Afia Malik, Hamna Ahmed, Naved Hamid, Mahreen Mahmud, Hafiz A Pasha, Aisha Ghaus-Pasha, Ehtisham Ahmad, Shahid Amjad Chaudhry, Ishrat Husain, Khalil Hamdani, M Irfan, G M Arif, Muhammad Imran, Sara Hayat, Eric Manes, Azam Chaudhry, Theresa Chaudhry, Muhammad Haseeb, Uzma Afzal, Akmal Hussain and Khalid Ikram — taken up cudgels on behalf of the citizens of Pakistan for a programme of change and transformation. This if pursued with sincerity and discipline can help Pakistan achieve the necessary break with the sordid past of missed opportunities and spoilt chances of the last 66 years. No doubt Pakistan is in dire straits at present.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8/19/2013 09:57:00 AM,

It’s Time to Take the Bus!

Ahmad I. Chaudhary

Rapid motorization and traffic congestion are becoming a major challenge for large cities in the developing world, and generating significant economic and social costs. In Cairo, for instance, the World Bank estimates that congestion costs are as high as US$8 billion or 4% of the city’s GDP. The breakneck pace of urbanization in developing countries will exacerbate this trend, with the total urban population of the developing world expected to double from 2 billion to 4 billion between 2000 and 2030.
Source: World Bank (data compiled in 2012; for some countries only data from previous years were available)
In this context, the role of public bus services is bound to evolve significantly. While bus systems were previously focused on providing affordable transport services to the urban poor, they must now become a mode of choice even for those who can afford a private vehicle, and need to be part of a more comprehensive urban mobility strategy to mitigate the effects of rapid motorization. This creates a challenge: how can bus services meet their social objectives and remain affordable but also provide better service in order to attract car owners and initiate that behavior change?
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8/16/2013 12:08:00 PM,

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