Pakistan Auto Industry
March 27, 2014
Nabeel Hashmi, Thermosole Industries
1959-72 these years saw the emergence of Pakistan’s economy at the take-off stage in Karachi and the conditions of pre-take off stage in Lahore, as per W.W. Rostow’s economic description of these stages. Bedford Rocket (GM) truck was under assembly and progressive manufacture in Karachi, while Vauxhall Victor (GM UK) car and Dodge Dart were also assembled here. Daihatsu Tri-wheeler was also assembled in Karachi. Tankers, bowsers and trailers were assembled on Volvo and Mack truck chassis. 1972 saw the emergence of the socialist PPP regime come into power, nationalize all major engineering related concerns and bring the State of Pakistan itself into the business arena. This saw the downfall and dis-heartening of the industrial class and a period of reorganization of the local automotive sector. The industry was highly regulated until early 1990. However the Government of Pakistan had introduced policies leading to progressive localization of automotive sector, through tariff regime. From the production level of around 40,000 units in 2001, the passenger car/light commercial vehicles segment produced over 200,000 vehicles in 2007. The 500% increase in vehicle production over a small period of only 6 years, was a remarkable achievement. The motorcycle production has also touched the level of 1.8 million units in 2011-12.
1959-72 these years saw the emergence of Pakistan’s economy at the take-off stage in Karachi and the conditions of pre-take off stage in Lahore, as per W.W. Rostow’s economic description of these stages. Bedford Rocket (GM) truck was under assembly and progressive manufacture in Karachi, while Vauxhall Victor (GM UK) car and Dodge Dart were also assembled here. Daihatsu Tri-wheeler was also assembled in Karachi. Tankers, bowsers and trailers were assembled on Volvo and Mack truck chassis. 1972 saw the emergence of the socialist PPP regime come into power, nationalize all major engineering related concerns and bring the State of Pakistan itself into the business arena. This saw the downfall and dis-heartening of the industrial class and a period of reorganization of the local automotive sector. The industry was highly regulated until early 1990. However the Government of Pakistan had introduced policies leading to progressive localization of automotive sector, through tariff regime. From the production level of around 40,000 units in 2001, the passenger car/light commercial vehicles segment produced over 200,000 vehicles in 2007. The 500% increase in vehicle production over a small period of only 6 years, was a remarkable achievement. The motorcycle production has also touched the level of 1.8 million units in 2011-12.
The paper aims to give an insight to the “PAKISTAN AUTO INDUSTRY” as of today. It will touch topics such as Current status and future outlook of the industry, suggestions for the Pakistan National Auto Policy, technology sub contracting opportunities within the sector and the industries perspective to Trade with India.
About the presenter:
Nabeel Hashmi is the Chairman of Thermosole Industries Pvt Ltd, BBN Energy Pvt Ltd and SASA Pvt Ltd. He has an MBA from Bahrain University in 1987. His business activities include Plastic Automotive Parts manufacturing business; Thermosole Industries PVT LTD undertakes supplies to local Car manufacturing companies as well as exports to USA, UK and European Union. They are currently aggressively moving into Industrial Packaging, Gardening Equipment and Highway Safety accessories. His LPG business includes one of the largest LPG Storage facilities in the suburban areas of Lahore and operational under the name of BBN ENERGY (Pvt) Ltd. Our LPG is marketed under the “WATNA” Brand name.
Mr. Hashmi has headed the Marketing, Telecommunications & IT strategies of the Punjab Industrial Estates with special emphasis on SUNDER INDUSTRIAL ESTATES by being in the management as Director since inception in 2004. He was the former Chairman of All Pakistan Business Forum, Business Development Group, Pakistan Association of Automotive Parts & Accessories Manufacturers (PAAPAM) and Lahore Township Industries Association. He was also the Senior Vice Chairman of Pakistan Japan Business Forum and the Former President of Pakistan Plastic Manufacturers Association (Punjab), Quaid e Azam Industrial Estate Board of Management.
Labels: CREB, Pakistan, Pakistan Economy
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3/27/2014 02:00:00 PM,
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