Corporate Governance Practices in Pakistan
May 30, 2014
Abdul Rahim Suriya, FCA, FCMA
Corporate Governance is about promoting Corporate Fairness, Transparency, Accountability, Legal Compliance and Ethical conduct. Economic crisis, strict regulations and rising concerns over transparency, accountability have increased the focus on both ‘the role of the Board’ and ‘its effectiveness in executing its responsibilities’. The corporate sector in Pakistanhas had its fair share of corporate failures, scams and scandals. This warranted the need of a proper code of corporate governance. This paper will review the practices that have been adapted in Pakistan and their evolution over time.
Mr. Abdul Rahim Suriya is the fellow member of ICAP and ICMAP. He is also the past President of ICAP, council member of ICAP for 16 years, Member of International Education Board of IFAC for 6 years and member SAFA Board from 2011 to 2013. He authored a book on “A Guide to Business Decision Making. A is visiting faculty member of IBA and a trainer on Corporate Governance and Finance for Non Finance Executives.
Previous: First Annual Business Research Conference on Managing Business in Pakistan
Previous: First Annual Business Research Conference on Managing Business in Pakistan
Labels: Annual Conference, Managing Business in Pakistan, Research
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 5/30/2014 03:00:00 PM,
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