Lahore School of Economics

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Brand Management and Advertising

“Advertising is not magic, there is science to it”

On Thursday, June 05 2014, Mr. Asad Rizvi, Executive Director - Orient Mccann was invited to the Lahore School to deliver a lecture on “Brand management and Advertising” to the graduating MBA class. The speaker taked about integrated advertising and internal working of advertising agencies, client and agency relationship and ad making process.

Mr. Rizvi said that more than $500 billion per year are spent on advertising worldwide. The internet share of advertising is expected to rise to 31% by 2016. He said that advertising meant to persuade, as it was an organized method of communicating information about a product or service which a company or an individual wanted to sell to the people. It was communication with a purpose and the purpose was to change attitude of the people. Advertising he said was a business that was always changing. Therefore, it was very dynamic. Today advertising strengthens the economy.

It was very interesting and informative lecture where the speaker showed audios and videos of work done by advertising agencies.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 6/06/2014 04:24:00 PM,

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