Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Quality Enhancement Cell at the Lahore School of Economics

As a part of strengthening the Quality Assurance process the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan has asked all universities in Pakistan including the Lahore School of Economics to self assess its degree programs in order to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses and suggests improvements. In order to fully meet the requirement of this process the Lahore School of Economics reconstituted its Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) on September 26, 2013. The following are the members of the reconstituted QEC:
  1. Dr. Shahid Siddiqui, Professor and Head, Department of Social Sciences and Head QEC
  2. Ms. Amberin Tanveer, Deputy Registrar & Director, QEC
  3. Ms. Mamoona Nazeer, Assistant Registrar & Deputy Director, QEC
  4. Ms. Sehrish Khan, Assistant Registrar & Assistant Director, QEC
On November 11, 2013, Dr. Mohammad Rafiq Balouch, Director QAA, Govt. of Pakistan HEC and Ms. Fakiha Zafar, Project Director QAA, Govt. of Pakistan HEC visited Lahore School to discuss Self Assessment Criteria prescribed by HEC and formulation of the Quality Enhancement Cell.

The Lahore School’s revised Self Assessment Process during 2013-14 was as follows:
  • A revised Teacher Evaluation form for all classes and programs was administered from Winter Semester 2013, which met the HEC evaluation criteria.
  • On November 20, 2013, Program Team for B. Sc. (Hons.) with Double Major in Economics and Finance and MBA with Major in Finance & Banking was formulated for the HEC Self Assessment Criteria.
A Self Assessment Report was prepared for the following two programs:
  1. B. Sc. (Hons.) with Double Major in Economics and Finance
  2. MBA with Major in Finance & Banking
  • An Assessment Team of four members for each program was formed which evaluated and graded the Self Assessment Report and an Assessment Summary prepared based on their findings.
  • An Executive Summary and an Implementation Plan was prepared, recommendations of which will be implemented in the upcoming year.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 6/16/2014 01:03:00 PM,

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