Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Seminar on Business Policy

Lahore School of Economics organized a seminar on “Business Policy” for the graduating MBA II class at the Mahmood Chaudhry Library on June 12, 2014. Mr. Salman Wassay, CEO Wireless Life and Mr. Ahmad Hussnain, CEO of Allied Marketing were the two speakers.

Mr. Wassay talked about how to survive in the corporate world and make progress. He told the students that it was extremely important to identify and adjust in the corporate culture to be successful. He also talked about the opportunities for the female employees in the corporate world and gave tips as to how women could survive and be productive in a male dominant world. According to his belief, the role and performance of females was much higher than that of men. He told the MBA students that the corporate life was quite different from the student life where it is difficult to get a second chance if you miss first. He advised the students to be visible, indispensable, knowledgeable, and good at taking decisions according to the situation and scenario.

Mr. Ahmad Hussain told students how he became the most trustworthy and professionally managed strategic partner. Mr. Hussain gave an overview of the Leadership Framework and defined it as “SOL” which stands for “Standard of Leadership”. The basic Voice Finder questions a person should ask himself are whether he is passionate about the work he is doing, does he have the right talent to do so and whether he is a conscientiousness person or not because these are the qualities which firms look for in employees while hiring them.

The presentations were followed by question and answer session. The students showed keen interest by asking all types of interesting and informative questions from the honorable guests.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 7/01/2014 12:27:00 PM,

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