Lahore School of Economics Annual Conferences 2015
February 14, 2015
Lahore School of Economics hosts one international conference each year on the Management of the Pakistan Economy and four national conferences on Managing Business in Pakistan, Social Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics and Environmental Science and Policies.
The 11th Annual Conference on Management of the Pakistan Economy – 25-26 March 2015
Pakistan as a Regional Manufacturing Hub – Prospects and Challenges
Session 1: Why manufacturing matters?
Because of doubts in some quarters concerning promotion of manufacturing and the belief that the country could rely on agriculture and services – as it did during the rapid growth phase of 2002-07 – for future growth, this question needs to be addressed at the outset. Linked to this is the general performance of the manufacturing sector as well as its socio-economic impact.
Session 2: Impact of policy and institutional environment on manufacturing performance
This session will seek to explain the performance of Pakistan’s manufacturing in terms of public policy. Has it helped or hindered growth in the sector? How investment, particularly in manufacturing, is impacted by measures to achieve macroeconomic stability.
Session 3: Labour and employment issues
Growth of manufacturing generates employment not just directly by creating employment opportunities but also indirectly through the emergence of ancillary services – trading, banking and finance, engineering. However, there is also the question whether the required quality of labour is available and what must be done to improve the skills of workforce.
Session 4: Performance of Pakistan’s manufacturing – case studies
- “The role of fast-moving consumer goods industry in Pakistan”
- “The success of the pharmaceutical industry in Pakistan”
- “Trials and challenges in the textile industry”
- “Light engineering – motor cycles a case study”
- “Prospects of Pakistan’s steel industry”
Session 5: Finance and industrial development (comparative country experience)
Availability of finance is often seen as a constraint to industrial growth, especially for the SME sector. Special financing of industry arrangements played a significant role in the rapid growth of manufacturing in East Asia. How important has it been in Pakistan? How well the financing needs are being met by the mainstream banking system? Have the specialised financial institutions, devoted to the development of industry, been effective? What can be done to make them more relevant and effective? Foreign direct investment has not been very significant in the manufacturing sector in Pakistan. Does that matter?
Session 6: Firm size, entrepreneurship, and build-up of technological capabilities
Entrepreneurship is at the heart of innovation and development of technological capabilities. It has been seen that certain environments are more conducive to entrepreneurship and innovation than others, notably, East Asia vs. South Asia. Can those conditions be replicated in Pakistan? The conventional wisdom is that SMEs should be supported and nurtured, as they are an important source of entrepreneurship. What’s been Pakistan’s experience? Should Pakistan consider promoting national champions, as some countries have done successfully?
Session 7: Defining Pakistan’s space in manufacturing – challenges and opportunities
- “Theory and actual practice in industrial development – Lessons for Pakistan”
- “Strategising trade and investment relationship with China and India”
- “Could Gwadar be another Dubai?”
Session 8: Towards a strategy for Pakistan as a regional manufacturing hub
- Messages from the Conference
- The private sector’s perspective
- A policymaker’s perspective
Labels: Annual Conference, CREB, Eleventh Annual Conference, Management of Pakistan Economy, Pakistan, Pakistan Economy
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/14/2015 08:30:00 AM,
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