Interview skills
November 04, 2015
Mr. Jawad Gillani, Regional Head of HR at HBL, was invited to the Lahore School of Economics on 29 October 2015 to deliver a lecture to the graduating BBA class. The topic under discussion was "Interview giving skills. "
Mr. Gilani explained the key factors that should be kept in mind while preparing a resume and moved on to interview tips. Mr. Gilani asked the students to 'do their homework ' before going for an interview: research about the organization, going over various industry jargon, trying to determine which role the individual would be interviewed for.
Being on various interviewing panels himself, Mr. Gilani related to the students the following five things organizations want to know about the interviewee.
- Why does the interviewee want to work for the organization as opposed to elsewhere?
- What can the interviewee do for the organization?
- What kind of a person the interviewee is?
- What makes the interviewee different from the other competitors?
- How loyal the interviewee will be to the organization.
According to Mr. Gilani , the interviewing panel would ask various situational questions in order to determine the answers to these questions . Mr. Gilani urged the students not to jump to a response but to analyze the situation and think before answering the question. He advised the students to respond with a counter question as this would make them stand out.
He explained in detail how the question related to weaknesses and strengths could be answered. The speaker urged the students to carry out a brief SWOT analysis of themselves before the interview. This would prepare them for the interview as they would have identified all their strengths, weaknesses and threats before hand and would not face a challenge while answering questions.
Labels: Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11/04/2015 03:30:00 PM,
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