Career Planning and Entrepreneurship
February 24, 2016
Mr. Wasif Waseem Ashraf visited the Lahore School of Economics on January 22, 2016, to deliver a lecture on ”Career Planning” and “Entrepreneurship” to the graduating class of BBA.
Mr. Waseem called career “a game of strategy and not chance” and stated it to be a combination of class, technique and form. He mentioned the importance of timing in career development. He also guided the students to search for the right mentor as it is his belief that the right mentor helps you get the right timing.
He also enlightened the students with the “Algebra of Success”, which he described to be a combination of IQ, EQ and willingness of an individual.
The session was followed by an interactive questions and answers session.
Labels: Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/24/2016 09:45:00 AM,
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