Lahore School of Economics

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Productivity growth-technology-entrepreneurship nexus: Implications for Pakistan

Irfan ul Haque, South Centre, Geneva

The paper's starting point is that labour productivity growth does not receive the attention it merits in economic policymaking. Productivity growth is the foundation for rising living standards and a country’s ability to compete in the world market. It improves when producers’ seek to improve their production methods and the quality and range of products they produce. This entails a constant search for areas of improvement, tapping new technologies and finding innovative ways of producing and delivering the output to consumers. And that is what entrepreneurship is all about.

The paper will consist of three parts. The first part will seek to clarify the importance of productivity growth as a key objective of economic policy and show how productivity growth, technological advance and entrepreneurship are all inter-linked. The second part will discuss the empirical basis of this linkage. And the third part will discuss the need to reorient economic policy towards productivity growth, technological upgrading, and innovation.


Dr. Irfan ul Haque – a macro-economist with special interest in trade, finance and development – is Special Advisor at the South Centre. Over the past several years, he has helped the Lahore School in organising the Annual Conferences, including this one. Dr. Haque served as a member of a Group of Eminent Persons, set up by UNCTAD, to examine the issue of commodities and financing, whose report was submitted in 2003 to the UN General Assembly.

He holds a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Cambridge. He started his career at UNCTAD, and later worked in various capacities in the World Bank from 1970 to 1995. After leaving the Bank, Dr. Haque joined the South Centre in 1998. He has served as a consultant to UNCTAD, UN, ILO, UNDP, and G-24. He is author of a number of publications, covering issues of international finance and trade, and macroeconomics as well as science and technology.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3/26/2016 01:45:00 PM,

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