Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

The Lahore School of Economics Quality Enhancement Cell

Members of Quality Enhancement Cell of the Lahore School of Economics:
  1. Dr. Azam Chaudhry, Professor and Dean, Department of Economics and Head QEC
  2. Ms. Amberin Tanveer, Director, QEC
  3. Ms. Mamoona Nazeer, Deputy Director, QEC
  4. Ms. Sehrish Khan, Assistant Director, QEC
  5. Ms. Rabia Rauf, Assistant Director, QEC
  6. Ms. Neha Javaid, Assistant Director, QEC
Membership of International Bodies:

The Lahore School of Economics has renewed memberships of the following International Bodies during the year 2015-16;
  1. Asia Pacific Quality Network (APQN)
  2. International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE)
Events, Seminars and Conferences:

Director QEC attended a seminar on “How to Raise the Quality of Higher Education?”, arranged by Advisor Directorate of Quality Enhancement, Virtual University of Pakistan, Lahore, December 07, 2015.
  1. Lahore School of Economics invited Ms. Iram Sohail, Director QEC, GCU to conduct an Awareness Seminar on, “Enhancing the Quality of Education through Self-Assessment Procedures” to the Economics Faculty, January 21, 2016.
  2. Director QEC attended and presented in the Third Progress Review meeting and Workshop of QECs organized by QAA, HEC, Islamabad on “Concepts of Quality Assurance & Role of Quality Assurance Agency”, February 10-11, 2016.
  3. Lahore School of Economics invited Ms. Iram Sohail, Director QEC, GCU to conduct an Awareness Seminar on, “Enhancing the Quality of Education through Self-Assessment Procedures” to the Business Administration Faculty, March 08, 2016.
  4. Lahore School of Economics invited Assistant Director QEC, GCU to conduct an Awareness Seminar on, “Role of QEC in Self-Assessment Procedures” to the Administration Staff, April 08, 2016.
  5. APQN Conference and Annual General Meeting attended by Director QEC on “The New Frontiers of Teaching and Learning Quality Assurance in Higher Education” on May 25-27, 2016 in Fiji.
  6. Lahore School of Economics invited Ms. Mahvesh Mahmud, Senior Teaching Fellow, Business Faculty, Lahore School to conduct an Awareness Seminar on, “Parameters of Quality in Higher Education with Reference to Self-Assessment Lahore School of Economics” to the Administration Staff, June 07, 2016.
The Lahore School’s Self-Assessment Process during 2015-16 was as follows:

A Self Assessment Report was prepared for the following five programs:
  1. M. Phil in Economics
  2. MBA with Major in Marketing
  3. B.Sc. (Hons.) with Major in Economics and Minor in Social Sciences
  4. BBA (Hons.) with Major in Finance and Minor in Mathematics and Statistics
  5. B.Sc. (Hons.) with Double Major in Accounting and Finance
An Assessment Team of Three to four members for each program was formed which evaluated and graded the Self Assessment Report and an Assessment Summary prepared based on their findings.

An Executive Summary and an Implementation Plan was prepared, recommendations of which will be implemented in the upcoming year.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 6/08/2016 09:45:00 AM,

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