Lahore School Society of Literature Orientation 2016
October 28, 2016
The newly elected council for Lahore School Society of Literature hosted its orientation on 6 October 2016. The event began with outlining key motives of the society and its plan of action for the coming year. Students were urged to take a step back from their technology infused routines and open up to a warm world of literature. Stereotypes associated with readers were challenged as our welcome extended to avid readers, non-readers and simply curious people alike. “LSSL is about finding and nurturing yourself, no matter where you come from, “marked the end of Marib Maqsood (President LSSL) in his speech. Former President Ayesha Nazar said, “I am departing the society with a treasure of knowledge that I shall cherish for all times to come.”
An interactive games session followed after the speeches that served to break ice between members. Participants were each given a name of a fictional character to draw on a board with set rules. The audience guessed the character as the clock ticked away. The activities set a cheerful tone to the event. The new team presented a list of planned events for the upcoming months such as Slam Poetry Competition, Themed Fan Fiction Event, and Writing Workshop etc. The entire team showed its enthusiasm to kick start things with a bang.
Labels: Academic Club, Lahore School Society of Literature, Orientation
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/28/2016 10:11:00 AM,
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