Brand and Advertising Management
March 08, 2017
Mr. Shakeel Khokhar, CEO Bates Interflow was invited to the Lahore School of Economics to deliver a lecture on ‘Brand and Advertising Management’ to the out-going MBA students on March 02, 2017.
The speaker explained what the term brand means in the advertising industry. “Brand is the lasting impression, an unspoken contract and a promise and that aims to convey to the consumers through advertisements,” he said. The goal of an advertisement, and hence an advertiser, is to make the brand in question relevant and important and this Mr. Khokhar stated can be done through proper positioning and storytelling. Next, he conducted an activity on these very lines which not only showed to the students all the backstage workings of brand development and positioning, but also showed to them how idea generation takes place in advertising agencies.
The speaker also explained the importance of creating a brand positioning which is livable by that particular brand only. He termed this a critical success factor for any and all brands. Mr. Shakeel Khokhar shared some of his present and past projects and discussed all the concepts in the light of several Pakistani and international ad campaigns.
Labels: Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3/08/2017 11:04:00 AM,
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