Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Importance of Data in Marketing

Ms. Quratulain Ibrahim, Managing Director Nielsen, visited the Lahore School on 28th of October 2017 to talk to the MBA participants about the importance of data in marketing.

From the outset, the major theme of her address, and the content of her presentation, both revolved around data collection, its interpretation and its impact on marketing. She gave many examples of companies who could have saved a much larger amount of wasted money had they carried out proper data collection at a fraction of the cost. Good data allowed one to take better decisions.

Also, she urged the MBA candidates to improve their skills in accessing data, in organizing data and in synthesizing data, because that was the trend now and that was the future for them.

Based on its unrivalled access to data Nielsen could answer a lot of questions: How do consumers use a particular category? Is this category growing? What are the needs and attitudes of these consumers? How can a company target them better? Which channel are they buying from? What would make them use the product more?

Another important part of Nielsen’s research was around the Shopper. This allowed Nielsen to know how decisions are made by the shopper once he or she is inside the retail shop. Nielsen traced a Shopper’s Journey in different sectors.

The session was very well received and the participants asked a large number of questions around privacy of data, ease of collection and importance of Pakistan for Nielsen, which were answered by the guest.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 12/05/2017 12:21:00 PM,

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