Lahore School of Economics

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Pakistan's economic situation and Lahore School policy recommendations

The Minister of Finance (Government of Pakistan), Dr. Shamshad Akhter, visited the Lahore School of Economics on July 21st, 2018 to discuss the current economic situation in Pakistan as well as hear policy recommendations from the Lahore School research team.

The Minister was hosted by the Rector of the Lahore School of Economics, Dr Shahid Amjad Chaudhry who gave his views of potential economic stabilization policies. The Rector’s recommendations were followed by presentations on growth and stabilization policies by Dr. Moazzam Mahmood, Dr. Azam Chaudhry, Dr. Ayesha Afzal. Dr. Kumail Rizvi and Dr. Zahid Riaz.

Dr. Moazzam Mahmood discussed the balance of payments situation as well as the impact of the recent devaluation. Dr. Azam Chaudhry discussed the long-term constraints on economic growth and the need for a structural change in the nature of Pakistani exports. Dr. Ayesha Afzal discussed the impact of social programs on poverty in Pakistan and the need to maintain (and potentially increase) the budget on these programs during times of fiscal contraction. Dr. Kumail Rizvi discussed the need for reforms in the government’s policies in the real estate sector and in the stock market in order to revive domestic and foreign investment. Finally, Dr. Zahid Riaz discussed the sectors that the government must focus on to promote higher value added exports.

The Minister then briefed the participants on the government’s recent economic policies and discussed potential avenues of collaboration between the Lahore School and the Ministry of Finance.

The Lahore School of Economics Policy Notes discussed with the Minister of Finance are available below (click the link to read in pdf):

Lahore School of Economics Policy Note 1/18: Balance of Payments Constrained Growth in Pakistan

Lahore School of Economics Policy Note 2/18: Climbing up the Export Ladder through Strategic Reductions in Tariffs on The Intermediate Goods-A Case of Pakistan’s Textile Sector

Lahore School of Economics Policy Note 3/18: Pakistan’s Experience with the Pak-China Free Trade Agreement

Lahore School of Economics Policy Note 4/18: Identifying Suitable Regions for Locating Industrial Development with Special Emphasis on CPEC

Lahore School of Economics Policy Note 5/18: Does Spatial Proximity Matter-Understanding the Costs and Benefits of Agglomeration

Lahore School of Economics Policy Note 6/18: Optimal Exchange Rate Policy

Lahore School of Economics Policy Note 7/18: The BOP Crisis in Pakistan

Lahore School of Economics  Policy Note 8/18: Brief Note on Poverty Reduction and Future Challenges in Pakistan

Lahore School of Economics  Policy Note 9/18: Leveraging Manufacturing Sector for Exports of Pakistan

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 7/28/2018 01:12:00 PM,

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