Digital Marketing
December 17, 2018
Mr. Monis Rahman, CEO paid a visit to the Lahore School on 26th November 2018 to deliver a session on Digital Marketing to the MBA cohort.
Monis briefed the class about how much change we have experienced in terms of usage of the internet over the last 15 years. In 2003, there were 2 million internet users; now there were 60 million. Now, access to the internet is primarily through the mobile phone. When Monis used to pitch internet usage to banks back then, senior executives used to bring to him printed emails and would laugh at his suggestion to put CVs online.
Labels: Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 12/17/2018 03:16:00 PM,
Dr. Paul Ross Discusses Economic Challenges Facing Pakistan
The Lahore School’s Economics Society organised a lecture by Dr. Paul Ross, who was the former IMF Resident Representative to Pakistan. During this seminar, Dr. Paul Ross discussed the major economic challenges facing Pakistan, and how can Pakistan use prudent monetary and fiscal policies to promote economic growth. While discussing the economic challenges faced by Pakistan, he examined the short, medium and long-Term impacts of current policies and how innovative policies can be used to help with the current challenges faced by Pakistan.
Discussing monetary policy, Dr. Ross emphasized that Pakistan should strengthen its SBP independence, tighten its monetary policy and reduce government borrowing from the State Bank of Pakistan. on the fiscal side, Dr. Paul Ross discussed the important of revenue mobilization followed by fiscal expansion focused on long term development.
Read more »Labels: Lahore School Economics Society, LSES, Management of Pakistan Economy
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 12/17/2018 03:09:00 PM,
Digital Marketing
Mr. Farhan Duraiz gave two sessions on Digital Marketing with as a case study to our MBA cohort in November and December 2018.
Farhan opened the session by noting that 60% of Consumers want to interact with businesses online; 63% of Pakistani consumers expect brands to show them personalized content based on their purchase history (this shows they want relevant and not random content, Farhan said); and organizations that leverage customer behavior outperform peers by 85% in sales growth and 25% in gross margin.
Read more »Labels: Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 12/17/2018 03:06:00 PM,
Industry-Academia Linkages – MOU
December 06, 2018
Lahore School of Economics signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Coca Cola Beverages Pakistan Limited {CCI Pakistan} on Thursday, November 29, 2018 at Barki Campus as a part of Industry Academia linkages.
Strong linkage between Corporate and Academia is a critical tool to tackle the key economic challenges of Pakistan. The research and innovation done at the Lahore School should attract huge demand from industry. Also the research, innovation, operations and management practices of Coca Cola will be a source of great learning to the faculty and students of the Lahore School of Economics. This should lead to increased, diversified economic activities and market development for all the parties involved.
Labels: Coca Cola, Lahore School, Memorandum of Understanding
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 12/06/2018 01:33:00 PM,
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