Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Kashmir Solidarity Hour

Lahore School of Economics observed Kashmir Solidarity Hour on Friday, 30 Aug 2019.

Along with the entire nation, the Lahore School of Economics faculty, students and staff came out in the Lahore School's Main Shamyla Garden from 12 noon to 12.30 pm to give a clear message to the world that the Pakistani nation stands shoulder to shoulder with the Kashmiris brethren who have been facing unprecedented human rights violations in Indian occupied Kashmir since 5 August 2019 when India revoked Kashmir’s special status, thus flagrantly violating UNSC resolutions and international consensus.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8/31/2019 10:39:00 AM,

Industry Academia linkages - MOU

The Lahore School of Economics and Sefam{pvt} Ltd. signed an MoU on 28 Aug 2019 as a part of Industry - Academia linkages. Dr. Shahid Amjad Chaudhry, Rector Lahore School and Hamid Zaman, MD Sefam signed the MoU.

The Lahore School believes that links between academia and the industry should be promoted to strengthen the economy and that the School can play a vital role in developing our national economy through focused Industry-Academia Linkages.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8/29/2019 04:13:00 PM,

Lack of access to finance limits innovation in textiles

By Shahram Haq

Pakistan’s textile sector tends to be more productive and innovative ostensibly for export markets because such markets only buy products when local companies become globally compliant.

However, “there still exist problems like lack of financing for textile firms when it comes to the need for innovation in the country’s largest export sector,” said a report released by the Innovation and Technology Centre of Lahore School of Economics based on data collected from 125 firms.

In the paper, innovation-related behaviour has been linked to export behaviour.
According to the survey, a large percentage of these firms were exporting most of their output (81-100%). They mostly make shipments to Europe and Asia.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8/26/2019 01:53:00 PM,

Independence Day Celebrations - 2019

Lahore School of Economics celebrated 72nd Independence Day of Pakistan with national zeal and fervor at the lush green main campus on Burki Road.

Dr Shahid Amjad Chaudhry, the Rector Lahore School of Economics, who was the chief guest at the ceremony, hoisted the national flag. Dr Azam Chaudhry, Dean of Lahore School of Economics also attended the function.

Pakistan Zindabad, Lahore School Paindabad!

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8/16/2019 12:30:00 PM,

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