Lahore School Seventh Entrepreneurs Exhibition 2019
December 16, 2019
On Wednesday, November 27, 2019 Lahore School Entrepreneurship and Business Society (EBS) in collaboration with Lahore School Incubation Lab (LSIL) hosted the 7th Entrepreneurs Exhibition 2019. Entrepreneurs Exhibition in one of the largest internal events that take place on campus every year. Undergrad (final year) students enrolled in Marketing major degrees take part in the event.
This year 11 sections taking the course of Entrepreneurship and SME Management took part in the competition and displayed 90+ business ideas. These ideas mostly revolved around modern solutions, tech startups and social entrepreneurship. Executives and Lahore School faculty members were invited as external and internal judges to evaluate and judge the projects and give their valuable feedback to the students.
Judges, guests, faculty and parents all appreciated the concept of promoting entrepreneurship and the idea of producing leaders rather than managers.
Labels: Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship and Business Society, ISIL, Lahore School Incubation Lab
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 12/16/2019 01:15:00 PM,
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