8th Entrepreneur's Exhibition 2022
April 01, 2022
The 8th Entrepreneurs Exhibition 2022 of Lahore School of Economics was held on March 31, 2022 in main campus in which more than 500 marketing major students participated. This year some 65-business ideas, mostly revolving around modern solutions, tech startups and social entrepreneurship, were highlighted. The ideas that received most recognition where; Rent the Runway, Drive Genix, Kafan Dafan and Mawaqay, Prominent executives from the industry, incubation centers, venture capitalists and Lahore School faculty members were invited as external and internal judges to evaluate the projects and give their feedback to the students. Here are some glimpses of the Exhibition:
Labels: Entrepreneurial and Business Society, Entrepreneurship, Exhibition, ideas, Images, ISIL, Lahore School
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/01/2022 03:50:00 PM,
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