Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Dr. Muhammad Rafiq Khan

The Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Advanced Research in Economics and Business, Dr. Muhammad Rafiq Khan has been associated with teaching and research most of his working life. Here at the Lahore Schools he writes research papers and (real life) research based cases for the Lahore School students.

Dr. Rafiq started research in the management sciences related fields early in 1976 when after doctorate in Biochemistry he was engaged by the British Ministry of Overseas Development as a member of the Appropriate Technology Group of David Livingstone Institute of Overseas Development Studies, Strathclyde University, Glasgow to work on the Pilot Project “Choice of Techniques in the Developing Countries.”

Apart from his continuous association with research Dr. Rafiq has been teaching biochemistry, applied chemistry, project management, and general management for about twenty years in leading institutions. He has also held senior administrative as well as academic positions in his long career.

Dr. Rafiq has strong relationship with the written words. He has been editor of academic magazines, has written over thirteen books, some of which are a part of curriculum at learning institutions in Pakistan not to mention long list of articles in international research journals.

In addition to empirical observations, analyzing data, comparing variables and drawing inferences, Dr. Rafiq has written a travelogue (after having roamed around in half of the world), what is more, poetry (two compilations) and two volumes of “In Search of Appropriateness Series,” which is an attempt to sort out what is appropriate and what is not for the developing countries .


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/20/2004 01:47:00 PM,

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