Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Inspiration to Achieve

We live in times unlike any we have seen in the past. The international (as well national) forces (economies, markets, global competition) at work today have altered the basic premise of higher education's place in society and because of their gradual nature over the last years. These forces have now converged into a strong and steady perfect storm, leaving in its path a new reality nobody dares ignore – students, educators.

As educators, the opportunity to instill in students something that transcends their career goals they bring with them to the Lahore School, trying to infuse a sense of the real importance of education in society and a love of learning for learning's sake-learning and for the sheer joy of knowing and preparing them in the way students approach new information and new intellectual opportunities is one thing. As students, the desire to be in the know of the situation and to follow the changes in another. That is what will bring lasting gift of success to them in the future. That is what will allow them to plan and manage change, rather than allow change to manage them.

Students who undergo rigorous, vibrant, and attuned to the goal of learning experiences in the Lahore School build the capacity to be responsive to change in its environment. The Lahore School’s programs inspire students, the next generation of leaders, to achieve.

posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11/11/2004 09:18:00 AM,

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