Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Power House in the Main Campus

There will be no power outage in the Main Campus of Lahore School of Economics in future. Caterpillar electric generator of 365 KVA has been added to cater for the Lahore School needs in case of power failure.

Lahore School has developed a beautiful Main campus on Burki Road. The new Campus adds far more than just the space. It is a physical identity that mirrors and enhances the School’s mission.

The facility, by its design, is as innovative, dynamic, and creative as the school programs. Auditoriums and cottages that are oriented towards the needs of faculty and administrative staff create mini-communities within a larger school community, and serve the differentiated needs of the unparallel business school.

In addition to the auditoriums, central library and the computer laboratories, the Main Campus has vast spaces for curricular as well as extra curricular activities: Multi purposes gymnasium, sport grounds, residential blocks for male as well as female students. Fully-networked buildings allows for internet access from everywhere.

Lahore School provides cottages style accommodation for male and female students. Each cottage, in girls’ hostel has equipped kitchen including cabinets, refrigerators, and washing machines. Boys’ blocks have small functional kitchens in each block.

Lahore School has a great café for every one to enjoy. Attached lounges in the café building has big screen color TV and satellite receiver, snooker room as well as tennis table. The café is the center of activities throughout the day, with students eating, socializing and even studying together in this cozy place during their free time.

One of the highlights of the Main Campus is its versatility — students can take advantage of the recreational areas like café to work on academics with their colleagues. Secondly, the reaction to the students’ requirement sends the message that students’ needs are being recognized and taken seriously. Such initiatives transform the quiet center into a hub of activity and create a more integrated and vibrant students’ community.

Update: There are two 365 KVA generators catering the growing electric needs of the School now.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/30/2004 01:43:00 PM,

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