Midterms: not the end
October 25, 2004
With tests every day on minds, it's no coincidence that students require some of the greatest concentration of mental health issues. Now when the work really starts pouring in, the need to beat stress becomes very important.
I'm no psychologist, but if my own student days have taught me anything, it's the way to blow off steam. The trick is to take your mind off your work, even if only temporarily. The brain needs a little break every now and then. So for those of you who are sitting late at night thinking what to do while sitting in Auditorium 6 or Central Lab, try the alternatives first.
Here is the alternative: Relax, relax! Sounds very simple? It is, for those who are prepared. No?
So, I think the ideas will appeal to you. If not, then obviously I'm not cut out for the advice business. But here is another good bit of advice: if you're feeling overburdened around this time of the semester and you cannot get together your thoughts and concentrate on your exam tomorrow, day after tomorrow, then look around for someone to talk to. You've got plenty of options, from folks at home to your fellow students to one of your professors. There's no shortage of compassionate people at the Lahore School, and, they know what they're doing. Good luck!
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/25/2004 11:11:00 AM,
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