Students’ Strength
November 04, 2004
We always consider the power a teacher has in a classroom, for example, their influence on setting the tone of a class. However, we rarely consider the power of the students. A classroom is filled with tens of students while there is generally only one teacher. If all of the students are engaged in learning, the class will be great.
On the other hand, if only the teachers are willing to engage themselves in a particular class, the class won't be worthwhile no matter how hard the teacher tries. Students have just as much an effect on the tone of a classroom as teachers whether they realize it or not.
Usually, students spend a lot of time complaining about our teachers and not enough time reflecting on our behaviors as students. Teachers can only guide; students are the ones who must make the effort to learn. Teachers’ job is not just to teach, it is to help their students learn. A professor can teach all day but if their students don't pay attention then nothing is gained from their efforts. If students engage themselves in the classroom, I believe they will find that professors are actually quite wonderful at their jobs.
Teachers are more engaged in classes with students that are excited about both the subject matter they are learning and teaching itself. While so much attention is placed on how teachers can motivate their students, students also have the power to motivate their teachers helping them become even better educators. So the next time you have a class, I suggest you engage yourself in the class and communicate your excitement about class to your professor. This may help to enrich the overall experience of learning.
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11/04/2004 10:11:00 AM,
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