Sarwar Bari, will be a guest speaker at Lahore School of Economics on April 1, 2006 at the City Campus.
Sarwar Bari heads a development organization, PATTAN, established in 1992 with an aim to focus on the socio-politic potential of people in order to mobilize them. Bari will present results of a recent all Pakistan survey entitled “Public Opinion on Current Political Issues.”
Labels: Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3/28/2006 09:25:00 AM,

This year the Lahore School celebrated spring on Mar 26, 2006. The event started with Laret by Chitrkar, and rounded off with Battle of Bands, Cricket and Basket Ball matches, fun, color galore and a whole lot in between.
When nip of winters yield to moderate and pleasant spring season and when trees start wearing new leaves, festive frame prevails at the Lahore School of Economics where students and faculty mark the advent of the season with Spring Festival — now famous as one of the annual tradition of the School. Over the years it has become an event where above and beyond students and teachers, their friends and families assemble at the Main Campus to be part of these festivities.
The Main Campus of the Lahore School that is known for its beautiful gardens. Exquisite environment of the School was specially decorated for the occasion. The whole premises gave a look of a big flower basket. In addition, brightly dressed flocks of folk entertainers performing for cheering audience added new touch to the landscape. Walking along the walkways — from spanking new parking spot to the café — shining in pristine glory gave an idea of aesthetic sense of all those who belong to the Lahore School. Even the bushes and hedges were decorated, giving walkways a dazzling look.
It was in this milieu that Dr. Azam Chaudhry welcomed the participants and M A K Chaudhry, the Chairman Lahore School Board of Directors cut the spring festival cake.
Labels: Campus Life, Lahore School
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3/27/2006 09:15:00 AM,

Dr. Shahid Siddiqui, Professor and Head Centre of Language and Applied linguistics Lahore School of Economics obtained his PhD in Applied Linguistics from University of Toronto, Canada, M.Ed. TESOL from University of Manchester, U.K., M.A. English from University of Punjab, and a certificate in TEFL from Brattleboro, Vermont, USA.
He is recipient of many academic awards like British Council scholarship for doing M.Ed. TESOL in the University of Manchester, U.K., U.S. Canadian Commonwealth scholarship for doing a PhD in University of Toronto, Canada, Charles Wallace Scholarship for short term research in University of Oxford, Social Sciences Research Council (New York) award for 2004, MTCP award for participating in Webpage Designing course in Malaysia 2004 to name a few.
Dr. Shahid Siddiqui has been involved with Educational system of Pakistan in various capacities, - as a teacher, teacher educator, and researcher. Earlier he has worked in various educational institutions of Pakistan including the Aga Khan University, GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, and Lahore University of Management Sciences.
Dr. Shahid Siddiqui’s areas of research interest include Politics of Language, Language and Representation, Language, Gender and Power, Educational Change, and Critical Pedagogy. Prolific writer, Dr. Shahid Siddiqui has been
published extensively in national and international journals.
Labels: Faculty
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3/24/2006 11:17:00 AM,

Performing Arts is becoming a tradition in Lahore School’s massive main campus. Each Saturday, Chitarkar – a cultural group - arranges cultural events (music, painting workshop, drama workshop) in the Main Café. It’s definitely easy to be proud when there is some warm medium like live performance in there and when warmth of campus and campus life is expanding.
Labels: Campus Life, Chitarkar, Lahore School
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3/18/2006 05:36:00 PM,

Dr. Aslam Niaz was a Guest Acedemic at Lahore School of Economics (Centre for Research) Burki Campus on Saturday, March 18, 2006. Dr. Niaz did his PhD in Public Administration from the University of Southern California United States. He has taught at NIPA, Karachi, and served as member Punjab Public Service Commission. Later he worked for 20 years in the Islamic Development Bank. He has also served the United Nations in Somalia. He is currently settled in Canada and lectures at the York University, Toronto. Dr. Aslam Niaz gave lecture on “Islamic Development Bank.”
Labels: Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3/18/2006 05:33:00 PM,

Dr. Abdul Wajid Rana is Professor and Director of the Centre for Mathematics & Statistical Sciences at the Lahore School of Economics.
He has a M.Sc. in Statistics from the University of the Punjab, M.Sc. in Social Statistics from University of Southampton, England specializing in Survey Sampling. He also holds a PhD in Statistics from Iowa State University, Ames, USA. He teaches Statistics, Statistical Quality Control, Time Series Analysis and Forecasting and Research Methods at Lahore School.
Dr Rana has over thirty five years of teaching experience at Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, University of the Punjab Lahore and Iowa State University, Ames USA. He has more than twenty research papers to his credit. He has attended a number of national and international conferences. His research interest lies in Data Analysis, Survey Sampling and Statistical Quality Control.
Labels: Faculty
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3/16/2006 09:41:00 AM,

Arshad Awan, Visiting Faculty at Lahore School of Economics did his Masters in Marketing from the University of Birmingham and Honors in Marketing Communication from the University of London. He also has diplomas in Advertising (Creative Writing) from the University of London, Film Production from Reedswood College London, and Photography from the Asian Photographers Federation Singapore.
Arshad Awan has vast field experience and has been working with Heinz, Pfizer, and Roche to name just a few. He has been teaching in American University Dubai and Beirut, IBA, Iqra University, and Defense College.
His achievements include Effies, Addys, and Mobius award on Single Award (Wend’s), Best Campaign (Consumer) Russian Media and Advertising Association (1997), and Best Employee of the Year 1998-2000, Bates Worldwide.
Labels: Faculty
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3/16/2006 09:39:00 AM,

Dr. Sayeed Hasan Khan will be a guest academic at Lahore School (Centre for Research) on Saturday, March 11, 2006.
Dr. Sayeed Hasan Khan is a freelance writer and peace activist who divides his time between Pakistan and Britain. In the 1960s he was a member of the Executive Committees for the World Assembly of Youth and the International Union of Socialist Youth. He worked with labor MP Fennor Brockway with the British Committee to End the War in Vietnam and the movement for Colonial freedom. He visited Vietnam twice during the war. He lectures at many Universities, including Bologna, Pavia, Heidelberg, and Oslo. He was historical advisor to the End of Empire series on British television and is a frequent guest on radio and TV programs.
The subject of Dr. Sayeed Hasan Khan’s speech is Impressions of India.
Labels: Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3/11/2006 09:41:00 AM,

Lahore School will celebrate spring festival on Sunday (Mar 26, 2006) at the Main Campus. Students, parents and faculty and families are invited to get together to mark the advent of spring season.
Labels: Campus Life, Lahore School
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3/09/2006 09:29:00 AM,

Dr. Sabiha Mansoor, Professor and Head Centre of English Language at the Agha Khan University was the Guest Speaker at Lahore School of Economics (Centre for Languages and Applied Linguistics) on Mar 7, 2006 at the City Campus. Dr. Sabiha spoke in length on Languages, Identity and Attitude.
Pakistan, as a multilingual country, faces numerous problems in language planning in higher education. There are concerns about the limited role of regional languages, lack of required materials in Urdu, and difficulties faced by students in English. Dr. Sabiha wil present finding of a nationwide survey of 2136 students, 121 Subject and English teachers of public and private sector colleges and universities from all capital cities of Pakistan, as well as 63 parents who responded to the questionnaire. Dr. Sabiha will discuss the background of students, their competency and use of mother tongue/regional languages, attitudes to languages, the availability and quality of materials, the role of regional languages in education, as well as language and socio-cultural outcomes.
Labels: Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3/07/2006 09:18:00 AM,

Mr. Manzur-ul-Haq, the Chairmen of PICIC Commercial Bank and Director of International Housing Finance Corporation was the Guest Speaker at Lahore School of Economics (Centre for Research) on Mar 4, 2006 at the Burki Campus. Mr. Haq spoke on “Banking and Credit in Pakistan.”
Labels: Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3/06/2006 01:53:00 PM,

City Campus
104 - C, Gulberg III,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Phones: 92-42-35714936, 38474385
Fax: 92-42-36560905
Main Campus
Intersection Main Boulevard Phase VI
Burki Road
Lahore, Pakistan.
Phones: 37254099, 37254311