Lahore School of Economics

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Ensuring Stable and Inclusive Growth

The Pakistan Economy is facing critical problems which are threatening its political and economic stability. At the forefront are issues such as rising inflation, poverty and macroeconomic imbalances which will have an adverse impact on the growth momentum as well. The recent elections have paved the way for the government to reorganize strategy in relation to various pending reforms needed to remove distortions and inefficiencies that prevail in the economy.

The Lahore School of Economics is hosting the Fourth Annual Conference on the Management of the Pakistan Economy between the 24th and 25th of April, 2008. The theme of the conference is ‘Ensuring Stable and Inclusive Growth’ keeping in view the immediate and medium term decisions that have to be made by the policy makers in the (new) post election provincial and federal governments.

The Keynote Address will be delivered by Dr. Shahid Javed Burki, former Minister of Finance, GoP and Vice President of the World Bank. To discuss pressing concerns such as poverty and inequality, and, economic problems such as inflation, the conference aims to gather leading economists and former policy makers such as Dr. Hafeez Sheikh former Minister of Privatization and Minister of Finance, Sindh, Riaz Riazuddin, Economic Advisor, State Bank of Pakistan, Shahid Kardar former Minister of Finance, Punjab, Dr. Ijaz Nabi, Sector Manager, Economic Policy South Asia Region, World Bank and Dr Hafiz Pasha ,former Regional Director for Asia and Pacific and currently, Dean of the School of Social Science and Vice Chairman of the Institute of Public Policy, BNU, and, Dr. Rashid Amjad former Director for Policy Planning, Employment, ILO and currently Vice Chancellor, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics.
Further, leading academicians such as Dr. Ali Cheema, Acting Head of Economics, LUMS and economists from the private sector such as Sakib Sherani, Chief Economist, ABN Amro Bank and Dr. Sohail Malik, Chairman, Innovative Development Strategies (PVT). Ltd. will also be participating in the conference. In addition, Dr. Rajiv Kumar, Director and Chief Executive, Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations will present his views as well.

The Lahore School of Economics (est. 1993) has been organizing the Annual Conference on economic and policy issues since 2005. In line with its objective to impart knowledge and train young Pakistanis as economists, analysts, managers and business executives, the essential aim of the annual conference is to promote a dialogue/discussion on key economic management and strategic issues facing the country.

The sessions to be held on the first day will focus on the (i)‘Unfinished Reform Agenda’ in the areas of trade, banking, finance etc.,(ii) ‘Inclusive Growth and Poverty’ addressing the impact of growth on income inequalities and poverty reduction. This will be followed by a panel discussion on ‘Regional Inequalities’ and their impact on political instability and economic development. The highlight of the second day will be a panel discussion on ‘Inflation, Macroeconomic Stability and Growth’ seeking to address the impact of international commodity price hike on inflation and supply shortages in Pakistan in addition to inefficiencies that prevail in the domestic price determination of food and oil.

The conference is open to all individuals with an interest in the current policy framework and its implementation in the Pakistan Economy. Prospective participants can register themselves at the venue i.e. the main campus of LSE at Burki on both days. The organization hopes to make this event an interactive learning experience especially with regard to the relevance of theory and policy in the case of Pakistan.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/23/2008 04:20:00 PM,

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