Nestle Pakistan Limited Visit Lahore School
May 19, 2008
A team of ten members from Nestle Pakistan Limited including Dr. Usman Bhatti, Country Head for Nutrition Business, Mr. Khurram Javed, Business Manager for Nido, cream and Desi Ghee, Mr. Khurram Zia, Business Manager for Milkpak, Everyday and Nesvita, Mr. Ali Akbar, Customer Services Manager, Recruitment Team and a few alumni of the Lahore School working with Nestle Pakistan visited Lahore School of Economics on Friday, May 16, 08 and gave a presentation on their Management Trainee Program. The senior Managers from Nestle also conducted a discussion session with the graduating MBA students after the presentation.
Labels: Placement
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 5/19/2008 12:19:00 PM,
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