Lahore School of Economics blog wins Pakistan Blog Award 2011. The Awards were announced during grand and colorful Gala Night held on December 23, 2011 in Karachi and presented on January 12, 2012 by Mian Shahbaz Sharif, the Chief Minister Punjab in a special event held in Arfa Software Technology Park, Lahore.
Blogging, or ‘the new marketing and business communication tool’ as it is sometimes referred to, definitely seems to be the future of the Pakistan corporate world. Lahore School blog
started in September 2004, when the word blog was not much known, and has come a long way. This blog has become a source of inspiration for large number of Lahore School students and faculty members to start their own blogs where they propagate their points of view, talk about topics of their choice and meet like-minded individuals or take an opportunity to explore subjects they are truly interested in.
On this occasion, I take the opportunity to call faculty, all young scholars and alumni of Lahore School to start their own blogs and join the ever expanding blogosphere.
Labels: Fine Art of Blogging
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 12/24/2011 10:38:00 AM,

Seemi Khosa, the Senior Advisor from The United States Educational Foundation in Pakistan (USEF) gave a presentation to the Lahore School graduating BBA/BSC Hons on ‘Students on Graduate Study in the US’ on Friday, December 09, 2011. The presentation was followed by interactive questions and answers session with the students [Saman Khan].
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 12/19/2011 04:04:00 PM,

Adeel Anwar, Project Head of Human Resource Department at Metro Indonesia and Head of HR Development and Training at Metro Cash n Carry Pakistan gave a talk to the students of MBA and MSc (Economics) on Monday, November 28, 2011. His lecture covered questions like how does the Corporate Sector assess a fresh graduate, talent Management practices for entry level positions, job opportunities for fresh graduates in Pakistan, Fareast and Middle East.
Labels: Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 12/08/2011 11:15:00 AM,

Naila Hafez
Tahir Javaid, the Vice President, Human Resources and Public Affairs at Engro Corporation Limited gave a talk to MBA students on Friday, December 02, 2011. As part of the senior leadership team, he is primarily responsible for talent management and leadership development. Tahir Jawaid threw light on the hiring process at Engro. He talked about the various businesses of the company. He said that Engro always wanted to attract top quality human resource.
Engro has been recruiting graduates through career fairs and graduate recruitment programs. Engro provides challenging learning environment, where fresh employees can work with top industry professionals. Tahir Jawaid also threw light on Engro internships. He said that Engro offered internships to students who were willing to learn and have the ability to execute tasks with maturity and responsibility.
Students asked many questions regarding the recruitment process at Engro and career development. Interactive session was attended by some faculty and staff members as well.
Labels: Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 12/07/2011 04:28:00 PM,

Lahore School Social Awareness Society (LS-SAS) arranged Anger Management Workshop on December 2, 2011 in Mahmood Chaudhry Library at the Main Campus. Omar Babar, an expert in personal development and character education was the guest speaker.
The Workshop highlighted different types of anger, such as “Positive Rage” or courage linking to one’s prestige, “Negative Rage” or the ego factor linking to external threats, along with causes and effective coping strategies for anger citing real life issues and examples from everyday life. Focus was on all aspects of anger management, with special emphasis on active, verbal and mental remedies. Omar Babar went on to discuss a mix of human nature and man-made social institutes and how our evolving lifestyles have contributed towards short temperament and violence over the past few years.
Most fruitful for the audience was Omer’s session where students gathered for one on one discussion of their ‘personal’ issues. Workshop imbued the audience with a sense of self-management and perseverance.
Earlier, Hiba Asad, the President and founder of LS-SAS introduced the Lahore School Social Awareness Society. "The Lahore School Social Awareness Society is a great opportunity for students to come together, share their visionary ideas, resolve major problems of our times to bring about progressive social change. LS-SAS has a strong base of members, who are well known for their depth and breadth of social work outside LSE. The Society is playing an important role in creating conducive environment by engaging the youth to resolve some of the most critical issues facing Pakistani society and the globalized world.
The Workshop that was attended by a large number of students and faculty concluded with interactive question and answer session, in which Omar Babar answered queries put forth by students.
Labels: Extra Curricular
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 12/03/2011 12:27:00 PM,

Dr. Azam Chaudhry is Professor of Economics and the Dean of the Faculty of Economics at the Lahore School of Economics. He has a B.Sc. (Hons.) in Economics from the London School of Economics (UK) where he specialized in Monetary Economics, Econometrics and Corporate Finance and a M.A. and PhD in Economics from Brown University (USA) where he specialized in theoretical and empirical macroeconomics.
He teaches undergraduate and graduate Econometrics and Macroeconomics at the Lahore School and his research interests include Innovation and Technological Change, Institutional Economics, Economic Growth and Development, Behavioral Economics, Economic and Social Networks, Political Economy and Industrial Organization.
His publications include:
• “
Beyond the Poverty Line: A Multi-dimensional Analysis of Poverty in Pakistan,” with Theresa Chaudhry, Muhammad Haseeb, and Uzma Afzal, in Rashid Amjad and Shahid Javed Burki (ed.) Pakistan: Moving the Economy Forward, Cambridge University Press, 2015 and earlier version of the chapter is available at: “
Beyond the Poverty Line: A Multi-dimensional Analysis of Poverty in Pakistan ,” with Theresa Chaudhry, Muhammad Haseeb, and Uzma Afzal, in Rashid Amjad and Shahid Javed Burki (ed.) Pakistan: Moving the Economy Forward, Lahore School of Economics Press, 2013.
• “Does Institutional Quality Affect the Success of Privatization Policies in Developing Countries?” with Phillip Garner, Manuscript, Brigham Young University, 2003.
• “Procurement and the World Bank’s Anti-Corruption Initiatives,” Operations Evaluation Department Working Paper, World Bank, Washington D.C., 2000.
• “A Review of the Country Assistance Strategies and FY98 Lending for the World Bank’s Anti-Corruption Strategy,” Operations Evaluation Department Working Paper, World Bank, Washington D.C., 1998.
His current research includes:
• Measuring the Barriers to Industrial Upgrading using Evidence from Pakistan with David Atkin, MIT, Amit K. Khandelwal, Columbia Graduate School of Business and Eric Verhoogen, Columbia University.
• Measuring Innovation in the Textile Sector of Pakistan with Waqar Wadho, Lahore School of Economics.
• Benchmarking of Productivity in Pakistan’s Readymade Garment Sector with Theresa Chaudhry, Lahore School of Economics.
• Developing an Optimal Industrial Strategy in the Context of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) with Theresa Chaudhry, Lahore School of Economics, Maryiam Haroon, Lahore School of Economics and Nida Jamil, Lahore School of Economics.
• Impact assessment of start-up loans to female run micro-enterprises with Farah Said, Lahore School of Economics, Naved Hamid, Lahore School of Economics, and Mahreen Mahmud, Oxford University.
• How Network Centrality Affects Electoral Politics in Pakistan with Mahnoor Asif, Lahore School of Economics.
• Measuring the effects of agglomeration on new firms in Punjab with Maryiam Haroon, Lahore School of Economics.
• Spillovers in technology adoption: evidence from a randomized experiment in Pakistan with David Atkin, MIT, Amit K. Khandelwal, Columbia Graduate School of Business and Eric Verhoogen, Columbia University.
• Patron-client relations in rural Punjab with Kate Vyborny, Duke University.
His recent research grants include:
August 2014
• International Growth Center (DFID) for Research on Measuring Innovation in the Textile Sector.
May 2014
• Private Enterprise Development in Low Income Countries (PEDL) for Research on Barriers to Industrial Upgrading.
September 2010
• Open Society Institute Grant for Social Choice and Network Assistance
June 2011
• International Growth Center (DFID) Project Grant for Research on Technology Spillovers in Pakistani Manufacturing Sector.
August 2011
• British Academy Grant for Research on Patron Client Relations in Rural Punjab.
His other responsibilities include:
• Director, Technology Management and Innovation Centre, Lahore School of Economics.
• Head, Quality Assurance Cell, Lahore School of Economics.
• Editor, Lahore Journal of Economics.
• Member of the Senate, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad, Pakistan.
• Member of the Board, Punjab Innovation Development Fund, Government of the Punjab.
• Chair, Economic Cluster on SDGs, Government of the Punjab.
• Research Affiliate, International Growth Centre, DFID, UK.
• Research Supervisor (MPHIL and PhD)
Labels: Dr. Azam Chaudhry, Faculty
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 12/01/2011 01:28:00 PM,

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