Preparing Yourself for the Real World
January 26, 2012
Lahore School Social Awareness Society arranged its second workshop on Preparing Yourself for The real World on January 20, 2012. Naveed Jamil, an Australian, Victoria University graduate, a certified public accountant, and a successful business executive who manages his own accounting firm was the guest speaker.
Naveed Jamil explained how everything around us is made of energy, and the two types of energy that exists within every human being: a kind of a raw emotional streak called ‘darkness’, and a state of relief and calm, known as ‘light” and how both can be channelized into productive outlets to attract positive things in life and to achieve "peace, contentment and enlightenment." Naveed Jamil also touched areas like Secrets to Success, How to Start Your Own Business From Scratch, Dealing with Conflict/ Crisis, Making the right choices, Realistic Expectations Setting and Building Healthy Relationships.
The workshop was attended by a large number of students and followed by an interactive questions and answers session.
Labels: Extra Curricular
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 1/26/2012 12:10:00 PM,
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