Lahore School of Economics

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Alternative and Creative Pedagogies in English Language Education: A Journey of Discovery

Dr. Ayesha Bashiruddin, Assistant Professor, Agha Khan University, Institute for Educational Development, Karachi

This paper unfolds my journey of discovery of how alternative and creative pedagogies in English Language Education can be introduced, fostered and celebrated. It discusses alternative and creative pedagogies that I have initiated in English Language Education in English Specialization courses at Aga Khan University, Institute for Educational Development, Karachi. Then it raises certain questions regarding the use of these pedagogies. Why use these pedagogies? What are the challenges? What is there for the Course Participants? What is there for me? How do they fit in with the course requirements? Are alternative assignments in line with the course policy? How do they fit into my research interest? What are the ethical implications? These are the questions that this research aims to answer.

About the presenter:

Dr. Ayesha Bashiruddin is an Assistant Professor at the Aga Khan University, Institute for Educational Development (AKU-IED). She has a Masters in English from the University of Peshawar and a Masters in Applied Linguistics from the University of Durhum, UK. She obtained her PhD from Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto (OISE/UT). In her current capacity, Dr. Bashiruddin has been actively engaged in conceptualizing, developing and teaching different courses offered in MEd PhD. and other professional development programmes offered both in and outside the university. She is currently Chair of the Research and Policy Studies Advisory Committee at AKU-IED. Her teaching and research interest and expertise are in English Language Education, teacher learning and qualitative research methods including autobiographical research. Her most recent academic publications include: Teacher Education in Pakistan: Learning from Research Partnerships (Edited Book); Becoming a teacher in the developing world (Edited Book); Exploring English-language teachers’ professional development in developing countries; Identity construction: a narrative inquiry of teachers of English in Pakistan; Auto/biographical Research in the South: a lived experience; and Teaching development of two teachers of English in Pakistan.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/03/2014 03:00:00 PM,

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