Lahore School of Economics Annual Business Research Conference –Themes
April 10, 2014
Lahore School of Economics is holding Second Annual Business Research Conference on May 30 -31, 2014 at the main campus. The conference will focus on the following themes:
Day 1 – Finance and Accounting [May 30, 2014]
Session 1: Capital Markets, Investment Opportunities and Valuation Practices in Pakistan
The first session focuses on capital markets in Pakistan. Academic and Professional papers are invited to address broader issues in financial markets including functionality and governance of capital markets, industry ethics, mutual funds, portfolio management practices, investment strategies (including alternate investments), asset pricing, kurtosis and tail risks, as well as Buy and Sell side valuations.
Session 2: Financial Institutions, Instruments and Relevance of Credit
Ratings for a vibrant Financial System. The second session will address various issues concerning financial institutions, negotiable and privately placed instruments as well as the importance of credit ratings. The proposed topics for this session include economic role, performance, governance, risk management, regulatory environment of financial institutions, framework of Basel committee on banking supervision, issues pertaining to money markets, pricing of fixed income instruments, yield spreads, bond indexing, immunization and horizontal matching, concept and role of credit rating agencies for a resilient financial system, and informational content of credit rating announcements.
Session 3: Corporate Governance, Financial Reporting and Taxation Practices
The third session is targeted on the recent trends and issues related to Corporate Governance, Financial Reporting and Taxation. The suggested topics include role financial reporting in capital markets, measures of financial reporting quality, emerging practices in corporate governance, relationship between financial reporting and corporate governance, the role of accounting controls, budgeting, cost accounting, and internal auditing in firms with different corporate governance environments, procedural justice/legitimacy in tax, the impact of tax on savings and investments, and taxation and the business strategy.
Day 2 – Management and Organization [May 31, 2014]
Session 1: Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Pakistan
Entrepreneurship and innovation are being promoted across the world as key drivers for growth and employment creation. This session aims to explore how Pakistani youth, academics, and entrepreneurs are exploiting this recent wave of interest. This interest has created numerous approaches to incorporate entrepreneurship into academic debate; and more specifically to address the challenges inherent in the growth and value creation of businesses in a developing country like Pakistan. The purpose of this track is to describe, analyze, and improve our understanding of entrepreneurial practices and innovation. We seek conceptual and empirical (both qualitative and quantitative) contributions that consider the implications of innovation and entrepreneurship in the Pakistani context. More specifically, this track aims to address challenges and emerging solutions for the entrepreneurial concerns of Pakistan.
Session 2: Strategy, Leadership, and Human Resource Management in the Pakistani Firms
This track seeks to explore ways in which firms operating in the Pakistani context formulate their strategies, provide leadership and manage their human resources; and to develop an understanding of how organizations can perform more effectively by strategizing and leading their human resources. We seek conceptual and empirical (both qualitative and quantitative) contributions that consider the implications of organizational structures, systems, culture, behavior, strategies, and leadership regarding firm performance. Furthermore, how do strategies, leadership and human resource management of the Pakistani firms affects and is affected by diverse and dynamic local, regional and global environments. Especially, this track aims to address challenges and opportunities for the effective management of the businesses in Pakistan.
Session 3: Operations and Supply Chain Management
Excellence in operations and supply chain performance is considered to be the key for the Pakistani businesses to compete both in national and international milieus. This session aims to explore how Pakistani firms are managing their operations and supply chains effectively. The topics of interest include supply chain alignment and performance, procurement and sourcing, warehousing, inventory management, logistics and transportation, distribution, supply and supplier management, and role of information technology in operations and supply chain management. Especially, this track aims to highlight challenges and opportunities for the operations and supply chain management of the businesses in Pakistan.
Labels: Annual Conference, Business, Pakistan, Research
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/10/2014 11:32:00 AM,
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