Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Abstract Painting Workshop

Lahore School Society of Arts' seventh Abstract Painting Workshop was organized to teach the participants different techniques. Around 50 participants (student as well as faculty) attended the workshop. The medium used for painting in the workshop was acrylic paints. All the supplies including paints, brushes, pallets and canvases were provided by the School. There were total nine big canvases which were divided into four parts using the masking tapes. Each canvas was allotted to four participants that accommodated almost 36 students, while rests of the participants were provided with A3 white paper. Participants were also provided with the cut out of birds, flowers, objects, human figures to help them pick a theme for their paintings.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 5/23/2014 12:18:00 PM,

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