Lahore School of Economics

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Innovation and Firm-level Productivity: Evidence from Pakistan

Dr. Abdul Waheed, UCP Business School

The labor productivity impact of innovation of manufacturing firms in Pakistan has been a neglected field of studies compared with the developed world. This topic is studied in this paper by using World Bank Enterprise Survey data from 2006. We applied the Cobb-Douglas production function, augmented with innovation-related inputs (and other expected sources of productivity) in a simultaneous two-equation system connecting innovation output to its determinants and productivity to innovation output – after correcting for the bias attributable to the endogenous nature of innovation output. Our results reveal that although both product and process innovation have significant, positive effects on productivity of all firms, Pakistani firms rely more on traditional production factors (labor and capital) than innovation, for productivity enhancement.

Dr. Abdul Waheed is assistant Professor at the Business School of the University of Central Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. He obtained his PhD degree from United Nation University (UNU-MERIT) and School of Business and Economics of Maastricht University, the Netherlands. He also earned MSc in Econometrics from Tilburg School of Economics and Management of Tilburg University, the Netherlands and MSc in Statistics from Punjab University, Pakistan. He has 14 years of teaching and research experience in various national and international organizations. Abdul Waheed presented his research contributions in many national and international conferences such as International Symposium on Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Venice, Italy, DRUID Society Conference at Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark, WASET Conference on Innovation, Management, and Technology, Zurich, Switzerland, 27th Annual General Meeting and Conference, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad, Pakistan.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 5/31/2014 10:45:00 AM,

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