Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Brands and Myths

Dr Aamir Khan

Mr. Arif Ijaz, one of the most senior speakers on the circuit of business management programs, and a regular visitor at the Lahore School, delivered a trade-mark provocative and value-adding lecture on “Brands and Myths” at the Lahore School on 17th of June 2014.

Mr. Arif spoke for over an hour on various “myths”, some true others not, associated with brands and at every step of the lecture challenged MBA participants to revise their received wisdom and textbook based knowledge. For example, he argued that there was a myth that a brand is developed by putting money into advertising. Not true, as there was much more than that, he asserted, including good governance inside the company. He also underlined that both B2B and B2C contexts had more in common in terms of branding – the Human to Human (H2H) element. In fact it was time for companies to think out of the box and use CSR as a tool for real and sustainable branding.

Arif then gave the example of Maple Leaf which has been investing in its stakeholders such as the masons and even the drivers to add value to them so that they could add value to their customers (Maple’s consumers).

The session was creative, lively and highly interactive. The Lahore School was grateful to have Mr. Arif with us!


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 7/02/2014 01:11:00 PM,

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