Consumer Insight
October 17, 2014
Mr. Umer Ghumman, Head of Business Development at Tetrapak visited Lahore School of Economics and delivered a lecture to the graduating class of MBA on October 01, 2014 on Consumer Insight.
Consumer behavior is an important element to market successfully whereas consumer insight is important for the success of a particular brand or product. He talked about changing market and social trends and how consumer perception and demand could make a product or brand successful. While talking about consumer insight he said that “insight” was the core of everything. He also explained the difference between observation and insight.
Mr. Ghumman then also spoke about various campaigns by different companies like Nestle and Tetrapak and explained how each of these campaigns created a specific perception in consumer’s mind.
Labels: Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/17/2014 10:35:00 AM,
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