Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Management Development Program

The Lahore School of Economics conducted a two day Management Development Program (MDP) for CCL Pharma at the Royal Palm Golf and Country Club, Lahore on September 26-27, 2014 as part of its Executive Education Programs. Some 36 executives, including the heads of finance, human resource management and marketing, attended the program.

The program consisted of four half-day sessions, one each devoted to the following themes: Conflict management; Communication within an effective organization; Change management; and Negotiations. Combining practice with some theory, the program was designed to raise and discuss real managerial issues faced by executives who are transitioning from functional to general management at senior levels. CCL Pharma, now in its expansion phase, wanted to introduce its management to the challenges of a general manager working at a senior level who is being trained for a position of leadership.

The executives discussed relevant cases in the above areas and proposed their own solutions to managerial problems. They were thus asked to discuss whether they would promote an executive who has integrity and competence, but lacks communication skills for a position where he has to express his views to the CEO and has to liaise with other departments. They also worked on conflict management in a complex case where conflict existed at multiple levels – interpersonal, inter-group and organization-wide. Perhaps the most interesting session for them was to conduct one-to-one negotiations – many were able to cut deals but some chose not to. They then had to explain their choices and what went right or wrong during the negotiations.

The course was conducted by Dr. Aamir Khan of the Lahore School. The Lahore School is offering MDP programs, offering the highest quality at very affordable prices to all the interested companies.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/01/2014 11:34:00 AM,

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