Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Lahore School Executive Education Program, Dubai

The Lahore School of Economics is pleased to announce the successful holding of its first international executive education program held in Dubai from 22-23 September 2014. The Management Development Program (MDP) was held for CCL Pharma and was attended by some 18 of CCL’s senior executives, including both Pakistani and foreign nationals.

The MDP program was conducted both in Dubai and Lahore and consisted of four half-day sessions, one each devoted to the following themes: Conflict management; Communication within an effective organization; Change management; and Negotiations. The program was 100% interactive, with no use of powerpoints. All the executives took a very active part in resolving managerial issues raised in the various cases discussed, participated in a negotiations exercise and made presentations at the end of the course.

The MDP was conducted by Dr. Aamir Khan. The Lahore School is offering MDP programs (marketing, sales, leadership, change management and many others) to interested companies, offering the highest quality. It stands committed to influencing the art and practice of management in Pakistan.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/02/2014 11:22:00 AM,

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