Sarah Zubair
October 29, 2014
Ms. Sarah Zubair (Class of 2012),working at Maple leaf Cement as Deputy Marketing and Supply Chain Manager visited the Lahore School on September 23, 2014 to talk about latest developments in the field of marketing. The speaker explained that marketing was no more about 4 P’s. It’s now more about a: Solution, b: Access, c: Value and d: Education. She said that Marketing was actually a battle of emotions. She also introduced the Elementary Equation to evaluate performance of employees i.e. Performance= (Skill+ Knowledge) Attitude. She therefore emphasized on the need of having the right attitude. Ms. Zubair also discussed conventional marketing and shared newer concepts and latest development in marketing with the students.
Labels: Alumni, Guest Speaker
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/29/2014 12:29:00 PM,
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