Mathematical and Statistical Models in Economics, Finance and Applied Sciences: Analysis and Methods
October 20, 2014
Call for Papers
First Annual Conference of Centre for Mathematics and Statistical Sciences
Lahore School of Economics
“Mathematical and Statistical Models in Economics, Finance and Applied Sciences: Analysis and Methods”
February 6-7, 2015
Lahore School of Economics First Annual Mathematics and Statistics Research Conference will take place on February 6-7, 2015 at the main campus. The conference will be organized by the Centre for Mathematics and Statistical Sciences (CMSS), Lahore School of Economics. The main goal to organize this Conference is to provide an opportunity to eminent mathematicians, physicists, statisticians, economists and social scientists from all over the country to come together and learn from each other.
Mathematical and Statistical models play a vital role in many disciplines related to Economics, Finance and Natural Sciences. In this conference we try to integrate analysis, models and methods in the scope of natural sciences as well as social sciences framework. The Economists study dynamical systems for sustainable Economic growth. Stochastic differential equations are the standard models for financial quantities important in financial market. Biologists (Epidemiologists) investigate the determinants of health-related states (including disease) using mathematical tools. Potential topics, of this conference, include but are not limited to:
- Empirical Analysis in Economics, Business, Finance and Social Sciences
- Probability theory and applications
- Regression Analysis, Sampling surveys, Categorical Data Analysis, Time Series Analysis and Forecasting, Operation Research, Design of Experiment.
- Economic growth theory
- Optimal control
- Differential equations modeling natural and economic models
- Financial models e.g. Hamilton–Jacobi equation, Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equations, Option models, Black–Schole models
- Symmetries, Differential Equations, and Applications
- Modeling and Math Biology
- Decision analysis
- Fuzzy Set theory
- Fixed point theory and applications
- Fluid Mechanics
Students are encouraged to present their ongoing research projects in the Poster Session. The Poster session will provide an opportunity for participants to see your results and to provide you feedback.
Deadline for the submission of Abstract: December 5, 2014
Notification of acceptance: December 12, 2014
Registration deadline: December 31, 2014
Venue: Lahore School of Economics, Intersection Main Boulevard Phase VI and Burki Road, Lahore
Organizing committee: Dr. Rana Abdul Wajid, Dr. Rehana Naz, Dr. Asma Khalid, Centre for Mathematics and Statistical Sciences, Lahore School of Economics, Lahore, Pakistan
Labels: CMSS, Lahore School, Mathematical Methods, RAMMMA, Research
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10/20/2014 10:00:00 AM,
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