Lahore School of Economics

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International Marketing

Mr. Murshed Alam, Director Sourcing Levi and Strauss Pakistan, delivered a lecture to the graduating MBA students of the Lahore School of Economics on March 20, 2015.

Mr. Mursheed Alam explained the concept of international marketing. He then briefly explained the three core stages of international marketing which were preparation, execution and follow through. He stated that a company should understand its core operations, further it should identify its value, have confidence to enter into new markets and convey to its customers its presence in the market. It should build relationships with its customers and always exceed their expectations.

“After relationship building a company should strive to build value for its customers. In order to achieve value a company should never compromise on quality, always deliver what it promised and should be innovative and interesting,” Mursheed Alam. The guest speaker also showed some inspirational videos on Pakistan’s textile sector which portrayed its potential and opportunities for the companies that would want to invest in Pakistan.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4/15/2015 09:17:00 AM,

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