Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Lahore School Health Camp

Lahore School Corporate Social Responsibility Center (CSR) conducted another free Medical Health Camp on 5 November, 2015 at Sharif Hospital. The Health Camp consisted of 12 volunteers. The CSR center gives students the opportunity to realize the importance of social welfare and how they can contribute their spare time in simple ways to give back to society and help others.
Medical consultancy team consisted of three doctors [Dr. Baqar Shareef (General Physician, Shareef Medical Hospital), Dr. Saima Malik (Consultant Hospitalist, Shaukat Khanum) and Dr. Shireen Gul (Consultant Gynecologist, Ganga Raam Hospital)].

A total of 134 patients were treated for aliments that plague our daily lives such as muscular pain, fever, stomach ache, sugar, general weakness, constipation, skin infections to name a few. Of the total patients 52% were women, 32% were men and the remaining 16% were children.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11/10/2015 10:04:00 AM,

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