Lahore School of Economics

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Digital Marketing is a Paradigm Shift

Mr. Badar Khushnood, “Entrepreneur in Residence” of BRAMERZ, alumnus of the Lahore School of Economics, along with his team delivered a sparkling session on Digital Marketing at the Lahore School on January 28, 2016 in the Marketing Strategy course of the MBA program.

Badar started off the session by showing a five minute video on how the world was moving towards a new paradigm – the paradigm of being connected by the net. He divided our world citizens into Digital Immigrants versus Digital Natives. He discussed the example of Domino’s Pizzas in Pakistan which have shown a huge jump in sales due to digital marketing (largely due to the efforts of Bramerz). Still, he admitted that the online ad-spend in Pakistan was USD 5 million, some 1% of the total ad-spend.

Was Bramerz B2B or B2C? This question was debated by his team – one of his associates opined it was B2B as Bramerz targeted companies in Pakistan, but Badar mildly dissented and creatively suggested that Bramerz was also B2C because “we are very much interested in attracting the best talent”.

In response to a query from a student who doubted that given the illiteracy levels in Pakistan digital marketing might not be a good idea, Badar reminded the class to check for themselves if their gardeners (mali) had access to smart phones and if their drivers watched videos. It was the responsibility of the digital company to think of ways to meet the content needs of these clients.

Digital marketing, Badar and his team emphasized, had advantages over traditional marketing – it was 100% measurable (traditional was measurable as well but the sample was small), it was 100% interactive, it could target much better and so on. To another question on how Bramerz themselves marketed the company he said through personal communication and word of mouth.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/24/2016 09:47:00 AM,

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