Lahore School of Economics

A distinguished seat of learning known for high-quality teaching and research

Lahore School Fifth Med Camp

Lahore School of Economics Corporate Social Responsibility Center organised a fifth medical camp that catered to 145 patients on March 8, 2016 at Sharif Hospital Burki. Team of doctors treated ailments ranging from basic muscular spasm to chronic stomach and intestinal disease.

In addition to Lahore School student volunteers, the team included Dr. Baqar Shareef (General Physician, Shareef Medical Hospital), Dr. Saima Malik (Consultant Hospitalist, Shaukat Khanum) and Dr. Shireen Gul (Consultant Gynecologist, Ganga Raam Hospital).


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2/29/2016 10:00:00 AM,

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