Which Public Policies can Promote Technology Management, Productivity and Innovation in Pakistan
March 24, 2016
Shaukat Hameed, COMSTECH, Islamabad
1. Currently: Coordinator General, COMSTECH (OIC Ministerial Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation) Islamabad.
o Earlier served as:
• Rector,GIKI, (Ghulam Ishaq Khan Instt. Topi, KPK, Pakistan)
• Memberof the Planning Commission, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad, 2005-09
• Chief Scientist / DG ,Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, in 2005 after 36 years’ service
• Visiting Scientist (CERN, Geneva)for the massive LHC accelerator project.
2. Brief Academics :
• B.Sc and D.Phil degrees from Oxford University, ( Rhodes Scholar )
• Fellow, Pakistan Academy of Sciences.
3. Current Interests:
• Leveraging Energy Crisis for Industrial Development
• Emerging Relation Between Science and Society / Role of Technology in Development
• Reforming Secondary / Technical Education
4. General:
o Over three decades of experiencein R & D, academia, technical management, production, and policy planning.
o 28 research publications + numerous conference papers.
o Started the laser programme in Pakistan, which has grown into the National Institute of Lasers and Optronics, (NILOP), Islamabad, with several hundred scientists and engineers.
o Designed and manufactured complete laser systems for research, teaching, and defence applications. Value: Over US$ 150 million.
o Exported laser systems to Germany, Switzerland, Malaysia, Bangladesh,and Spain.
4. Participated in the Summitof 100 scientists from EU and Asia in Japan in 2010 to plan for EU-Asia co-operation in large multinational programmes.
5. Some Work in Policy and Strategy Formulation:
o Prepared the Science and Technology Programme Documentin 2015 for the 57 OIC Countries for the period 2016-25
o Drew up the Implementation Strategy (timelines, costs, & necessary structural reforms) for the
National Industrial Policy, 2011, for Ministry of Industries, Pakistan.
o Director/Principal Author of the Vision 2030 Project, (2007),a foresight exercisewhich attempts to examine where Pakistan might be in 2030.
This was also presented to a select group of Deputies in the German Bundestag (Parliament), on the peripheries of the “Conf. on Security and Cooperation in South Asia”, Berlin, 2007.
o Member of the President’s Steering Committee, 2002, which resulted in the establishment of
Higher Education Commission of Pakistan.
Labels: Abstract, Annual Conference, CREB, Management of Pakistan Economy, Twelfth International Conference
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3/24/2016 01:02:00 PM,
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