Lahore School of Economics

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Which Public Policies can Promote Technology Management, Productivity and Innovation in Pakistan

Shaukat Hameed, COMSTECH, Islamabad

How do we manage technology in Pakistan? While numerous public announcements are made about moving towards a knowledge economy, the reality is that our competitiveness is falling, organisational changes are slow, our workforce skill levels are inadequate and there is a stalling in productivity and innovation. In fact, Pakistan faces a serious risk of de-industrialisation, unless the dynamics and disruptive nature of managing modern technology are understood, and are embedded as a key pillar of public policy which can lead to enhancing innovation and productivity.


1. Currently: Coordinator General, COMSTECH (OIC Ministerial Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation) Islamabad.

o Earlier served as:

• Rector,GIKI, (Ghulam Ishaq Khan Instt. Topi, KPK, Pakistan)
• Memberof the Planning Commission, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad, 2005-09
• Chief Scientist / DG ,Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, in 2005 after 36 years’ service
• Visiting Scientist (CERN, Geneva)for the massive LHC accelerator project.

2. Brief Academics :

• B.Sc and D.Phil degrees from Oxford University, ( Rhodes Scholar )
• Fellow, Pakistan Academy of Sciences.

3. Current Interests:

• Leveraging Energy Crisis for Industrial Development
• Emerging Relation Between Science and Society / Role of Technology in Development
• Reforming Secondary / Technical Education

4. General:

o Over three decades of experiencein R & D, academia, technical management, production, and policy planning.
o 28 research publications + numerous conference papers.
o Started the laser programme in Pakistan, which has grown into the National Institute of Lasers and Optronics, (NILOP), Islamabad, with several hundred scientists and engineers.
o Designed and manufactured complete laser systems for research, teaching, and defence applications. Value: Over US$ 150 million.
o Exported laser systems to Germany, Switzerland, Malaysia, Bangladesh,and Spain.

4. Participated in the Summitof 100 scientists from EU and Asia in Japan in 2010 to plan for EU-Asia co-operation in large multinational programmes.

5. Some Work in Policy and Strategy Formulation:

o Prepared the Science and Technology Programme Documentin 2015 for the 57 OIC Countries for the period 2016-25

o Drew up the Implementation Strategy (timelines, costs, & necessary structural reforms) for the
National Industrial Policy, 2011, for Ministry of Industries, Pakistan.

o Director/Principal Author of the Vision 2030 Project, (2007),a foresight exercisewhich attempts to examine where Pakistan might be in 2030.

 This was also presented to a select group of Deputies in the German Bundestag (Parliament), on the peripheries of the “Conf. on Security and Cooperation in South Asia”, Berlin, 2007.

o Member of the President’s Steering Committee, 2002, which resulted in the establishment of
Higher Education Commission of Pakistan.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3/24/2016 01:02:00 PM,

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