Lahore School of Economics

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Pakistan Milk Market

Mr. Asad Rizvi, Managing Director Walter Pakistan, delivered a lecture to the graduating MBA students of the Lahore School of Economics on March 08, 2016.

Asad Rizvi with a comparison of Nestle and Haleeb milks in terms of brand and advertising and how the two positioned themselves in the market in Pakistan - the fourth largest milk producing country in the world. Engro Foods’ launch of Olpers in 2005 challenged the status quo prevailing in the market. They positioned themselves as “All purpose milk”. Eventually it became so popular that it resulted in total shutdown of Haleeb and gave tough competition to Nestle.

Asad Rizvi said that in order to develop a new brand you have to come up with something different from your competitors, so that the consumers can easily differentiate and recall the product. In short a brand should add value to consumer’s life otherwise it would be difficult for a brand to grow.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3/21/2016 02:19:00 PM,

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